
Palimpsest is the (mainly) books discussion site I founded with my friend Al Kitching a couple of years ago.

Essentially a phpBB forum, it now has around 30 regular members and over 15,000 posts. We don’t delete any, the forum acting as a repository for reviews and thoughts on books and things.

It costs a fair bit to run, however, and so we have decided to put into place a donation scheme, where members can contribute towards the running costs of the site. A recommendation of £5 per year was made. Fortunately, this has ben met with a great deal of enthusiasm, and it might mean that more can be done with the site.

One of the things I am interested in doing is converting the site to a new forum system. The one I am looking at is VBulletin – a paid service which costs $80 a year, which in real money is about £45-50. This includes all upgrades, of course. Part of the reason for this is that due to the popularity of phpBB, all sorts of ne’er-do-wells are targetting these sites and either spamming them or clogging up the sessions on the database so that no-one else can access the site. Using a more robust system, like VBulletin will mean that these problems will be no more.

What I have to do, and do right, will be importing the phpBB stuff into the new forum. I think people will be generally pretty upset if any of the previous posts got lost.

I also need to have a clear out of the server. There’s piles of crap in there which probably really doesn’t need to be.

Gah. So much to do, so little time…

2 thoughts on “Palimpsest”

  1. Hi yjmli. Yes, it’s a good system and should mean that the site is more usable and stable in the future. PhpBB is a bit of a victim of its own success in that there seem to be all sorts of nasties out there which seem intent on buggering it up.

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