GoogleLocalGov tomorrow


The GoogleLocalGov event is taking place tomorrow, and by the sound of things it is going to be packed to the rafters with attendees and great content.

Here is what topics will be being discussed by Google’s team of experts:

  • Google Adwords
  • Site Conversion & Analytics
  • Google Adsense
  • Enterprise Solutions
  • YouTube & Creative Options
  • OpenSocial
  • Android
  • Google Maps

There is also a nice little site leading local gov folk through what Google can offer, which is well worth a look.

If you can’t make the event tomorrow, fear not, you’ll be able to follow it all on our friend Twitter – just keep an eye on the #googlelocalgov tag.

Edit: another bit of fun will be carrying on after the event for drinks and more nattering in a boozer near Kings Cross, McGlynns to be precise. If you want to come to the drinks but aren’t at GoogleLocalGov it is probably best to aim for 5.30-6ish as that is when the Googlers will be arriving. Thanks to Dan for organising.