Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Getting things done with Google Tasks A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard — Shawn Blanc Announcing a digital health information network | Helen Milner FutureLearn & the role of MOOCs – The Ed Techie Communities of practice and the nature of knowledge < great stuff from @curiousc … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Lockdown – (thoughts on RSS etc) Doug Engelbart, visionary David Wilcox » Realising the knowledge assets of research for the rest of us – how about a set of recipe cards? LEGO Cultures of Creativity report launched today – David Gauntlett Mozilla and Partners Prepare … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Joho the Blog » [2b2k] Knowledge in its natural state PSFK Future of Work Report 2013 Donald Clark Plan B: More holes in Sugata Mitra’s ‘Hole-in-Wall’ project Digital Leadership or just leadership? | Curiouscatherine’s Blog David Wilcox » Much discussion about networking local government – now … Keep reading

Tools I use for learning

Recently, as part of a survey of members of the Social Learning Centre, I put together a list of ten sites or apps I use a lot in my own learning activity. Actually, I thought ten was rather a lot, so to share it here, I thought I’d whittle it down to half that number.
I think it’s useful to always remind yourself of the tools you use regularly in your own activity, particularly if you spend time designing sites, systems and platforms for others to use.

Anyway, hit ‘Read more’ to see the list.

Two cool tools for knowledge and learning

Neat applications for sharing knowledge and learning are like buses, it turns out. Icon is a new app from Spigit, who are the leaders in innovation management software. It’s a really simple concept (which is good) – the online question and answer format, but for an internal audience. So, what Yammer is to Twitter, Icon … Keep reading