Bookmarks for January 4th through January 5th

Stuff I have bookmarked for January 4th through January 5th:

  • Back in the office, back on PM « Policy and Performance – "We won’t be gearing up with a big project on PM like we did before, but we will be looking at how we can gather knowledge across the sector. As a start and with the help of Dave Briggs, we’ve set up a social learning space that we’ll be using at two seminars in January and beyond. Don’t go and visit just yet (’cause it’s still pretty much empty) – but it won’t be long before we should have some great content there. I can’t wait to start building and sharing."
  • 6 Concepts That Matter – "Don’t be distracted by any book with a focus on Social Media. Instead focus on concepts that matter for building communities."
  • Multiply – Secure, Family-Friendly Media Sharing – Multiply is taking over all the communities from the soon-to-be defunct MSN groups
  • Co-op – "Stay in tune with your co-workers. Ask questions, share knowledge, track time, and update agendas all in one place"
  • Life With Alacrity: Community by the Numbers, Part One: Group Thresholds – "We often think of communities as organic creatures, which come into existence and grow on their own. However, the truth is they are fragile blossoms. Although many communities surely germinate and bloom on their own, purposefully creating communities can take a tremendous amount of hard work, and one factor their success ultimately depends upon is their numbers."