Five for Friday (23/6/17)

At some point I will post something other than links to this blog. But for now, this is it. Five more for you to enjoy this week: Standard Ebooks – There are lots of free and public domain ebooks about – try looking at Project Gutenberg for example. The problem is that they aren’t always … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Getting things done with Google Tasks A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard — Shawn Blanc Announcing a digital health information network | Helen Milner FutureLearn & the role of MOOCs – The Ed Techie Communities of practice and the nature of knowledge < great stuff from @curiousc … Keep reading

Find what I’m reading

I’m still having a couple of technical problems here getting my delicious bookmarks posted up to the blog. Just in case this is causing you a great deal of anguish – and I completely understand if it isn’t – you can find out what stuff I think is worth reading in two places: there’s my … Keep reading