Ofqual’s new commentable report

I’ve being doing some work over the past few months with Ofqual, the regulator of qualifications in the UK. Much of the work has been around how they could use social web technology to work better internally, but I’ve also been advising on external online engagement stuff too.

One strand of that work has now become public, in the form of the consultation on the Chief Regulator’s Report, made commentable thanks to Steph’s Commentariat WordPress theme.

Chief Regulator's Report, Ofqual

The lovely design was done by the internal web team at Ofqual, lead fearlessly by Phil McAllister.

I’m really pleased with this, because I see it as being the result of some real digital enabling. I didn’t really do anything to make this happen, other than planting the seed of the idea in Phil’s head, and then providing some web space so the site could be hosted quickly and easily, and doing the initial WordPress set up.

That’s all that Phil’s team needed to get going. Had they been left to try and procure some web hosting through traditional routes, this site may never have seen the light of day. So I’m pleased to have helped a new, young organisation step out into the world of online engagement, however small my personal contribution.

And once again, well done to Phil and his team for an excellent implementation of Commentariat!

2 thoughts on “Ofqual’s new commentable report”

  1. Dave

    This is looking great and a big step for a new organisation looking at ways of engaging with their target audience. Time to market has been has been very quick, well done to you, Phil and the team for making this a reality.


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