Local government on Twitter!

I’m delighted to note that Stratford-on-Avon District Council has its own account on Twitter. What is even better is that they display the badge on their homepage!

This is just the sort of intiative that we’re looking for in various places, like the Social Media CoP, for example. Fine, there are arguments about Twitter, in terms of how many folk actually use it, its notorious flakiness, etc etc… but sometime you just have to give things a go. And it’s great that someone in local government is doing just that.

5 thoughts on “Local government on Twitter!”

  1. Excellent – my tax dollars at work (Southam bizarrely is in Stratford DC) I’m following them now

  2. Hi Paul

    Yeah, it’s great stuff. Let’s hope other folk in the Stratford area take it up. What will be really interesting is if people start to use it as a feedback tool!

    Next time you want to know when your bins are being emptied, text a tweet to @StratfordDC!

  3. Hi Dave – thanks for highlighting this. I will be able to use this in my lunchtime session today at CLG which, coincidentally, is on Twitter.

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