Getting wiki with it

Interesting stuff going on at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with a wiki being built by Ben Hammersley using MediaWiki with a bit of skinning and the addition of a few plugins, like that which adds social network type features to the wiki.

It’s a nice piece of work, though I have personal reservations about MediaWiki as a collaboration platform, rather than just community-publishing content. But then it’s free as in beer and speech, and very quick to deploy.

Let’s hope that this wiki experiment isn’t vandalised to death like the last one that a department headed by David Miliband experienced.

In other wiki news, I have been taking a look at the white-label services offered by wiki-hosts Wikispaces today. For £500 a year, you can have as many wikis as you like running off subdomains of a web address of your choice. Each can have it’s own access criteria, and with the rich and easy to use functionality of Wikispaces, it’s an absolute bargain.

1 thought on “Getting wiki with it”

  1. Dave, am interested to explore how wikis and the like can improve the process for putting thoughts, ideas etc ‘on paper’ and bringing people together to throw them around, flesh them out, develop them over time and so on. Blog post to follow shortly on this, so would be grateful for any further examples or advice. Thanks, Chris.

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