Rebooting America

The Personal Democracy Forum has published a free eBook called Rebooting America: Ideas for Redesigning American Democracy for the Internet Age. It’s full of great little essays by such luminaries as David Weinberger, Clay Shirky, Howard Rheingold and Jeff Jarvis. Well worth downloading and having a read. I’m going to be looking to see what … Keep reading

On consultation

On Thursday night I was lucky enough to be invited to Number 11 for a few drinks with various online luminaries, including a bunch of guys who went on Web Mission 08 and lots of lovely government webbies too, courtesy of Tom Watson, the Minister for Doing Fun Things with the Web. William Heath describes … Keep reading

CivicSurf Trailer

Shane has posted up a one minute trailer of the CivicSurf film on the project blog. [HTML1] It’s a nice taster of what is a great film (which I was lucky enough to see in full at the recent evoice event), which will go a considerable way to convince civic leaders of the merits of … Keep reading