FeedDemon thoughts

Been using the FeedDemon 2.1 Beta3 for a while now. Here’s a couple of thoughts:

  • Each blog post has a link to post it to del.icio.us, it’s been there for a couple of versions now. But if I click a link to another post, or to expand a summary feed, the link disappears. Can we have a link on the main toolbar to send the current page to del.icio.us, or our blogs please?
  • If I clip a post in NewsGator for later viewing, can it be automatically sync’d to a News Bin in FD please?


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4 thoughts on “FeedDemon thoughts”

  1. I work for NewsGator in technical support.

    Can we have a link on the main toolbar to send the current page to del.icio.us, or our blogs please?

    There’s a feature request already filed for this. (51970) I’ve updated it with a pointer to this post.

    If I clip a post in NewsGator for later viewing, can it be automatically sync’d to a News Bin in FD please?

    Also frequently requested and on the todo list. It won’t make it into 2.1, however.

    You might want to provide feedback in our beta forums instead of posting it here on your blog. We’re in the forums every day so any feedback there is guaranteed to be seen.

    Jack Brewster
    Technical Support
    NewsGator Technologies

  2. Can we have a link on the main toolbar to send the current page to del.icio.us, or our blogs please?

    My crystal ball says keep an out out for the next 2.1 release candidate. 🙂

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