Drink! Feck! Girls! RSS!

The world it seems is full of blog posts about RSS – really simple syndication, for the non-dorks. Apparently it’s dead. Or dying. Or very much alive. RSS is a standard for publishing the latest content on a site with regular updates – such as a news site, or a blog – in a machine … Keep reading

RSS readers

Read/WriteWeb has an interesting piece on RSS aggregators, and whether they really matter any more: One of the interesting trends of 2009 has been the gradual decline of RSS Readers as a way for people to keep up with news and niche topics. Many of us still use them, but less than we used to. … Keep reading

Links and Twitter

Steve Dale writes about his uneasiness with a new Twitter mashup service, Twitchboard, which automates the posting of content from Twitter to other social web services. At the moment, all it does is links: if you post a URL to Twitter it also gets pinged to your Delicious account. I may be in the minority … Keep reading