Face your online fears

Silver Surfers’ Day is coming up on the 21st May. Organised by Digital Unite and supported by UK online centres, among others, it’s a national campaign to highlight the opportunities the internet offers people in later life. As a part of this year’s event, UK online centres are running a special campaign for people to … Keep reading

Help my village!

Thanks to everone who helped out with this vote, hopefully we will have the results soon and that it will be positive news! My village’s community centre has the chance tonight to win a £50,000 grant from the People’s Millions. There is going to be a piece on the local news on ITV tonight during … Keep reading

Teach us a Lesson

I’ve been working with BIS and Becta quite a bit recently on the Learning Revolution project, which is all about improving access to informal adult learning – that is, learning which doesn’t generally mean a qualification. So, stuff like book groups, choirs, yoga classes, basic computer skills. That sort of thing. One part of this … Keep reading

Let’s predict the lottery!

I rather enjoyed the Derren Brown stuff this week around predicting the lottery numbers. It was enjoyable and entertaining, and anyone expecting anything approaching seriousness was always going to be disappointed. But what of averaging out the views of the many to predict randomness? I’ve set up Let’s predict the lottery! to do just that. … Keep reading

Mash the State

Mash the State is a campaign to “encourage UK government and public sector organisations to make their data available to the general public.” The first part of the campaign is dedicated to getting local authorities in the UK using RSS to disseminate information from their websites. Currently only 66 of 434 local councils currently produce … Keep reading