Two very interesting new websites

These two sites are well worth checking out that came across my radar this morning. Social Media Surgery + Firstly, Nick Booth has officially launched Social Media Surgery Plus – a site for organising, promoting and reporting on social media surgeries. Surgeries are events where volunteers help others get to grips with online tools. They … Keep reading

Face your online fears

Silver Surfers’ Day is coming up on the 21st May. Organised by Digital Unite and supported by UK online centres, among others, it’s a national campaign to highlight the opportunities the internet offers people in later life. As a part of this year’s event, UK online centres are running a special campaign for people to … Keep reading

New research links digital inclusion and social impact

Some research from Ipsos Mori tells us what we already knew, that using the internet can make disadvantaged people’s lives better. This from the report from 24dash: Based on 20 UK online centre-led projects involving hundreds of local partners, the research tracked the impact of informal learning about technology on the lives of different groups, … Keep reading