Works starts on skills framework for web professionals

Vicky, from Boilerhouse and Socitm, pops by to tell us about the latest developments with the public sector web professionals network. On 27 November, Socitm will be holding a workshop as the first stage in a project to define a professional skills framework for people who work on public sector websites. This is part of … Keep reading

The decent council website – top 5 so far

There has been a great response to the What makes for a decent council website? experiment. Here’s the top 5 at the end of the first day: Plain english – Jargon and acronyms should be kept to the absolute minimum, or if they must exist, they should be metatagged with common english counterparts eg. Penalty … Keep reading

What makes for a decent Council website?

After the kerfuffle over the Birmingham City Council website, as expertly documented by Paul Canning, there has been a considerable amount of discussion about what a Council website should look like, and what it should actually do. This isn’t just an academic debate, as some local authorities have been making some really innovative steps in … Keep reading