📅 Daily note for 26 January 2024

Remember my course! It might be really helpful for you or a colleague! Excellent podcast about what Iran is up to these days. Giles thinks learning materials in organisations ought to be better quality, and of course he is right. Simon Wardley shares some thoughts on project delivery that are well worth reading. The Future … Keep reading

LINK: “Building the GOV.UK of the future”

We need to prepare for a world where people might not access GOV.UK through their computer or smartphone, but could be using Alexa, Google Assistant or some technology that hasn’t even been created yet. We need to make GOV.UK understandable by humans and machines. Original: https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2018/06/27/building-the-gov-uk-of-the-future/

LINK: “‘There Is No Public Internet, and [Wikipedia is] the Closest Thing to It’”

…we sort of are a legacy of the original spirit of the web, and that’s very much what the Wikimedia Foundation was created to do — to ensure that Wikipedia was preserved as a nonprofit entity, with respect for community governance, and in the public interest and in the public spirit. Original: https://medium.com/new-york-magazine/there-is-no-public-internet-and-we-are-the-closest-thing-to-it-54aa63adc2e2

LINK: “Kick-off for the essex.gov.uk project”

To help us understand the ‘as is’ in more detail we’ve gathered insights from available data and call centre staff, tested how easy it is for users to find things on the site and identified some key gaps in understanding around the importance of designing for user need, measurement and accessibility. Original: https://servicedesign.blog.essex.gov.uk/2018/04/12/kick-off-for-the-essex-gov-uk-project/