Engaging colleagues with new online tools

Getting people to actually use new tools in the workplace is pretty hard. No matter how cool your new social platform is, your colleagues (except for the super keen) won’t suddenly leap into using it. Instead, you need to think tactically about how you engage workers with new online tools. Here are ten ideas for … Keep reading

Five for Friday – 28 March 2014

Five for Friday is WorkSmart’s weekly roundup of interesting stuff from the week’s reading. Your wiki is a dump Mixing the unconference format into a traditional conference Why Companies Fail To Engage Today’s Workforce: The Overwhelmed Employee The Responsive Organization Leanership: a new way of work Did you know that WorkSmart has a Pinterest board … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Newspapers: Community, priorities and platforms Experiments in a new local economics (UK) |  REconomy Why mobile first might not be best for Universal Credit | Helen Milner Introducing the Intel® Galileo Development Board – arduino compatible Open Source: trying to make it more open » Community … Keep reading