Engaging colleagues with new online tools

Getting people to actually use new tools in the workplace is pretty hard. No matter how cool your new social platform is, your colleagues (except for the super keen) won’t suddenly leap into using it. Instead, you need to think tactically about how you engage workers with new online tools. Here are ten ideas for … Keep reading

Where does the talent lie?

I was working once for a pretty big organisation, who wanted to start a blog. This was about ten years ago, so for a lot of people blogging was kind of new. Despite the fact that I was working there, and had been blogging for a while, and actually had a bit of a reputation … Keep reading

More on recruitment and talent management

Following up on my earlier post on good things to look for in people when you are hiring – Recruit the internet-savvy – I picked up on some useful notes whilst at TechCrunch‘s GeeknRolla on recruiting into startups, which I think are useful for pretty much any organisation. I also think it’s interesting to think how … Keep reading

Recruit the internet-savvy

The Telegraph had an interesting article this week: MI5 dumps spies who can’t use Facebook and Twitter: Patrick Mercer, chairman of the Parliamentary subcommittee on counter-terrorism, told the Daily Mail: “As terrorism changes, counter-terrorism officers have to adapt to keep up. ‘Our enemies use every available method to attack including using technology. We have to … Keep reading