Policing 2.0: The Citizen and Social Media

While Andrew was so marvelously blogging Government 2010 last Thursday, I was at an event organised by the National Police Improvement Agency, giving a presentation which was an overview of web 2.0 and what it means for public sector services like the Police. Here are my slides: Web 2.0 overview Also talking at the event … Keep reading

Blogging and podcasting for local government

I had an enjoyable morning today with a bunch of local government communicators, at an LGC organised conference. It was also a great opportunity to catch up with my buddies Carl, Dominic and Simon. Here are my slides, where I discuss briefly what blogging and podcasting are about, and what some of the key success … Keep reading

Evaluating online engagement

I’ve mentioned before that we all really need to start evaluating the online engagement stuff we’re all doing. Alice Casey‘s presentation provides some great pointers for where to start and what to consider: My main argument was that a good evaluation tells a compelling story through combining qualitative and quantitative information in a clear format … Keep reading