What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. BDU: Big Data – E-learning about "big data" which people keep telling me is going to be important. WP2Cloud – Interesting one for WordPress dorks (like me). Stores all your WP site stuff in Amazon's cloud. Announcing Open Space South West #OpenSSW – Sounds like … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Getting the digital debate going – Jimmy Leach announces the FCO's conference on cyberspace. Sounds interesting! Mid year review: the state of DH digital – Great honest review of activity in digital at the Dept Health Ofsted Parent View – Interesting "Parent's Opinion" style school … Keep reading

Evaluating digital engagement

A record number of people took part in our live web chat on evaluating online engagement. Whilst in the course of the hour we didn’t exactly solve the issues, the discussion threw up some great examples and ideas and everyone who took part will have taken something useful away with them. You can relive the … Keep reading

Webchatting: barriers and evaluation

Yesterday’s live Kind of Digital web chat about overcoming barriers to implementing social media went really well. You can relive the whole thing over on the KoD website, or download a rather basic PDF of the transcript. Our next chat has been scheduled in for Tuesday, August 16th at 11am BST. It’s going to be … Keep reading