Police, Twitter, and riots

Really pleased to be able to publish this post from Cisco’s Jeremy Crump on the use of Twitter by the police, with specific reference to the recent disturbances in London, Birmingham and other cities. The widespread use of social media has been a significant feature of the riots in England over the last week. Looters … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. What we talk about when we talk about RSS – A useful bit of background to the future of RSS debate. Media Trust explains how local news hubs will work – David Wilcox follows up the story. Civil Servant 2.0 (PDF warning) – Interesting ebook … Keep reading

Bookmarks for January 10th through January 24th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. #UKGC11: Flickr, Wikipedia and Open Streetmap for local authorities – Great write up of an interesting session from @abeeken Reworking the public sector | Public sector pm – Notes on a great topic at #ukgc11 Uk GovCamp 2011 | Partridgej’s Blog – Nice summary of … Keep reading

Bookmarks for October 3rd through October 19th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Solace 2010 write up; Localism, hash tags and a reflection on priorities – Great write up from Catherine Howe. Thriving too: Big Society: Yours Mine and Ours – "So how do smaller networks, organisations and projects engage with Big Society if they don’t feel completely … Keep reading

Almost live transparency from Greater Manchester Police

A really interesting experiment is happening in Manchester today, thanks to the local police force. Greater Manchester Police are, according to their website, publishing details of every incident that it deals with on Twitter to allow the public to see what officers at one of the largest UK forces face on a daily basis. This … Keep reading