ACAS’ social networking guidance

ACAS – the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, who you’ve probably heard of on news reports about negotiations between employers and unions – have published some guidance for employers on how to manage staff use of these sites at work. Smart phones, internet, tweeting, blogging – we have accepted all of these innovations, and many … Keep reading

Google tries social again

Google announced Google+ yesterday, their latest attempt at getting success in the social networking arena. Techcrunch have a good write up of the details, but for the best coverage, it’s hard to top Steven Levy’s piece in Wired (indeed, Levy’s book on Google is also excellent reading). Of course, Google have got this wrong before. … Keep reading

Policing 2.0: The Citizen and Social Media

While Andrew was so marvelously blogging Government 2010 last Thursday, I was at an event organised by the National Police Improvement Agency, giving a presentation which was an overview of web 2.0 and what it means for public sector services like the Police. Here are my slides: Web 2.0 overview Also talking at the event … Keep reading