Daily note for 26 July 2023

I sent a newsletter – https://www.davebriggs.email/p/daveslist-volume-3-issue-6 “Maybe the real design tool was all the conversation we had along the way” https://www.dxw.com/2023/07/maybe-the-real-design-tool-was-all-the-conversation-we-had-along-the-way/ Am consistently impressed with dxw’s blogging. Always authentic, always helpful. Very rarely sales-y. Last weekend we started watching the Mission:Impossible films in order. Fair to say they are of variable quality. However, my favourite … Keep reading

Daily note for 24 July 2023

My piece about single customer accounts seems to have gone down quite well in most parts. My focus in the last year has mostly been on people and capability stuff, and before that on some of the trickier IT problems facing councils. It’s great that my current work in Lambeth is giving me the chance … Keep reading

Daily note for 21 July 2023

I wrote about why I don’t think single user accounts are a good thing for local councils: https://sensibletech.co.uk/should-you-develop-a-single-customer-account/ – also sent as a newsletter https://www.davebriggs.email/p/daveslist-volume-3-issue-5 Matt ‘Jukesie’ Jukes is looking for work. You should hire him! https://digitalbydefault.com/2023/07/20/whats-next/ I keep seeing this image popping up in various online places, and it sums up exactly where a … Keep reading

Daily note for 20 July 2023

Delighted to see another local gov blog launching today! https://warwickdc.localgov.blog/ Some lovely stuff in here: https://waxy.org/2023/07/vote-on-the-tiny-awards/ Maddening but brilliant, like a reverse Tetris: https://vividfax.itch.io/fudge

Daily note for 19 July 2023

Another newsletter went out today: https://www.davebriggs.email/p/daveslist-volume-3-issue-4 “Teaching agility, not Agile™” https://medium.com/@rchatley/teaching-agility-not-agile-a69ed6644682 Ooooooh: “Open Working 101” https://medium.com/we-are-cast/open-working-101-f8fa10385061 Daughter was telling me this morning about dog and cat based ASMR videos, and I said I really don’t think that was what TBL had in mind when he invented the web and she said dad, you’re so old. … Keep reading