Daily note for 7 July 2023

A decision I made when I took my current gig at Lambeth was just to do 4 days a week, so I had a day a week to pootle about doing other things. The first of those days is today and ngl it feels a bit odd!

I was around when this idea was first being mooted, and it’s brill to see it live. It’s a genuine digital age capability that can be slotted into many a service, making life easier for service users as well as making the back office a bit more efficient. What’s not to like? https://www.madetech.com/blog/evidence-saas-product/

I love this definition of ‘legacy’ from Coté: “Software you need to change, but are afraid to change” https://newsletter.cote.io/p/how-to-use-chatgpt-at-schools-to-help-students

“10 years on – what’s changed for the 21st Century Public Servant?” https://21stcenturypublicservant.wordpress.com/2023/07/06/updating-the-21st-century-public-servant/

“Perhaps we’ve been wrong to frame public service digital as a way to save money” https://jasonkitcat.com/2023/07/07/perhaps-weve-been-wrong-to-frame-public-service-digital-as-a-way-to-save-money/

For a few years now, I have been advising councils not to seek savings through digital work, but to use digital to make the savings they were demanding from their services anyway tolerable for their service users and staff.

This means being more creative about how to fund digital work, beyond simple invest to save capital spend.