Daily note for 13 July 2023

Another newsletter went out this morning: https://daveslist.substack.com/p/daves-list-vol-3-issue-3

ClassicPress is WordPress like it used to be https://www.classicpress.net/

For years I lived in Evernote. This by Harry McCracken captures some of what made it great https://www.technologizer.com/2023/07/09/for-your-eyes-only-my-unedited-2013-time-magazine-story-about-evernote/

I knew vaguely of Vivian Stanshall, but I definitely know more having read this: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/12/on-best-behaviour-he-was-a-joy-the-lost-archive-of-english-pop-eccentric-vivian-stanshall

I like this! “Build your own “On This Day” page for WordPress” https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/07/build-your-own-on-this-day-page-for-wordpress/

I had the pleasure earlier this week to speak for the first time to Doug Belshaw. I have been following Doug’s stuff online for years and always found it useful and interesting. Never actually spoken though, so it was lovely to do so. I recommend it! https://dougbelshaw.com/about/