Bookmarks for April 5th through April 10th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Social Media Security – "We have found a huge lack of accurate information around security issues and awareness of social media. This website aims to help educate users of social media of the threats, risks and privacy concerns that go with using them." E-government is … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 16th through March 18th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. – Lovely commentable document style consultations from Ofqual MINDSPACE: Influencing behaviour through public policy – Institute for Government – "Influencing behaviour through public policy explores how behaviour change theory can help meet current policy challenges, such as how to reduce crime, tackle obesity, or … Keep reading

ReadWriteGov content now up

I have finally gotten round to posting up some of the content from the ReadWriteGov event in Peterborough last month. Sadly there is no audio as the acoustics in the room, coupled with the lack of a lapel mic, meant the quality of the recording was, to be frank, piss-poor. Click a person’s name to … Keep reading