Interesting links – 9 Feb 2021

More nuggets spotted online, shared for your edutainment. 5 tips on running virtual events – DWP Digital One of the biggest learning points for the events team was that you can’t take a plan for a physical event and simply run it virtually instead. It just doesn’t work. You need to create a way to … Keep reading

LINK: “Introducing the three C’s of Responsible Technology”

More than ever, we are aware of the need for better practices to address key challenges and tensions between technology and society. Doteveryone has been working on making the consumer tech industry more responsible and accountable to society for over a year. It’s been a fascinating process of research, prototyping and learning. Our ideas have … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The power of technology for learning and why creating together is better | Helen Milner Barcamp NotForProfits | dxw (I’ll be there representing @tasksquadhq) Digital local government: a future in Google Glass and the internet of things GDS becomes political as Labour launches digital government review … Keep reading