Bookmarks for September 20th through October 1st

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Social intranets: Enterprises grapple with internal change – Great stuff on deploying social tech within big organisations. Open Government Licence – "You are encouraged to use and re-use the Information that is available under this licence, the Open Government Licence, freely and flexibly, with only … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 5th through April 10th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Social Media Security – "We have found a huge lack of accurate information around security issues and awareness of social media. This website aims to help educate users of social media of the threats, risks and privacy concerns that go with using them." E-government is … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 13th through March 15th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. HR in the 21st Century – Collection of very interesting posts and thoughts on HR in the age of Enterprise 2.0 Opinion Space – "The U.S. Department of State is interested in your perspectives and input on a series of important foreign policy questions. "Opinion … Keep reading