Been doing a fair amount of reading today about organisation and suchlike, both personally and for at work. Here’s some of the stuff I have come across.

Moleskine notebooks – these seem cool, if pricey. Loads of links about them here.

43 Folders – this seems to crop up all over the place. Originally based on David Allen‘s book Getting Things Done. It’s a title that has been picked up and used on this blog describing various tricks and stuff to help keep efficient. There’s a Google group too.

[The] title, 43 folders, refers to the number of manila folders required to build a physical tickler file system.

Twelve monthly folders and 31 daily folders are used to build a rotating, one-year “look ahead” system. Maintained daily, it’s a powerful lofi hack for never forgetting to do something (and, consequently, not having to worry about forgetting to do something).

It beats (or at least complements) your electronic calendar in at least one way by letting you store hard-copy items like cards or bills in the folder associated with any day between now and a year from now.

Cornell note-taking system – as described here. This seems like something I really need to take up during meetings: