How not to get fired

Great post by Neil Williams on how civil servants can approach blogging in a way that means they will get readers but won’t lose their jobs: Starting up your own personal blog is dead easy. Unless you’re a civil servant and want to talk about your work. If you are, then you face this choice: … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 29th

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 29th: UK Central government departments, executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies with rss feeds – Er… just what it says. Useful list, hat tip to Tom Steinberg on the MySociety list Municipalist: Q & A: Jeremy Gould, U.K. Ministry of Justice – Everyone's favourite gov webby gets asked some … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 27th

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 27th: MJ Ray – slef on WsM Forum – Parish councillor's blog Supplying Decent Services – Hazel Blears announces a review of what happens when local gov doesn't deliver the goods, to be chaired by the Chief Exec of my local authority! Oosah – Homepage – 1 terabyte of … Keep reading