Performancing: Back from the Brink?

As Nick Wilson writes on the Performancing blog: ‘Wow, what a start to the year‘. Let me try and get this in some kind of order: Performancing announce their metrics package in unsustainable and needs a buyer PayPerPost steps in to buy the package and the Performancing website, there is blogosphere uproar The Performancing editor … Keep reading

WordPress 2.1

Sorry for the lack of posting in recent times, folks. Here’s a biggie I missed out on reporting: the release of WordPress 2.1. I’ve installed it over on my personal blog, and I have to say it’s a great release that has sorted out a number of the issues people have had with previous releases. … Keep reading

Drupal 5 released

The popular open source CMS Drupal released its latest version today. I’ve been using a release candidate version of the new release on a couple of sites-in-development for a few weeks now, and can confirm that it’s a huge improvement on the old one – two big plus points being the beautiful new Garland theme … Keep reading

PayPerPost backs out

Mike Arrington posts that the Performancing Metrics deal is off: It’s not often that a company announces the acquisition of another company and then subsequently walks away from the deal, but PayPerPost isn’t a typical kind of company. In a post on the PayPerPost blog today, the company said “We…dug into the Metrics platform and … Keep reading

Word Count Journal

Word Count Journal might be a good option if you would like to start a blog, but aren’t sure how you will manage the words. A blogging NaNoWriMo, anyone? Sometimes a little bit really does go a long way. In Word Count Journal, by gradually building up your writing stamina and discipline, you will see … Keep reading