
Oliver Kamm in The Guardian: In its paucity of coverage and predictability of conclusions, the blogosphere provides a parody of democratic deliberation. But it gets worse. Politics, wrote the philosopher Michael Oakeshott, is a conversation, not an argument. The conversation bloggers have with their readers is more like an echo chamber, in which conclusions are … Keep reading

Open Source Politics

Great article from David Wilcox: Does it matter whether politicians who talk up the Internet’s potential for re-inventing politics, education, employment actually use it hands-on for the purposes they present, and join in? Or should we just be grateful if they have a good script from their researchers, have met the right people, and can … Keep reading

LibDems launch Manifesto Conversation

The BBC points out a new site the Liberal Democrats have set up to discuss their manifesto for the next election. MP Steve Webb, running the web-based project, said it would help frame “detailed policy”, but that the party would retain its core principles. Subjects discussed so far include whether to scrap short prison sentences … Keep reading

Fry and Blair

Quite interesting chat between Stephen Fry and Tony Blair here.