Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Newspapers: Community, priorities and platforms Experiments in a new local economics (UK) |  REconomy Why mobile first might not be best for Universal Credit | Helen Milner Introducing the Intel® Galileo Development Board – arduino compatible Open Source: trying to make it more open » Community … Keep reading

Why local councils ought to be getting social

This article was originally written for the SLCC‘s ‘Clerk’ magazine. It’s almost impossible to turn on the television or open a newspaper these days without seeing reference to online networks such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The impact of these technologies in the last decade has been huge, transforming the way people communicate, work and … Keep reading

Snapchat, WhatsApp and the rise of anti-social networking

Apparently, private messaging service WhatsApp has overtaken Facebook messaging as the goto mobile messaging platform. I can understand why growing numbers of people are picking up on private messaging services like WhatsApp, SnapChat and so on – particularly young people. These apps allow users to send each other messages, whether text, images or video, privately. … Keep reading