New councillor? Get the training you need online

With the elections of May 5 2011 now complete Member Development Officers need to look at the most efficient and cost effective way to train these newly elected councillors. Modern Councillor is the online learning and support destination for councillors, people considering standing for election, or indeed anyone with a passion for local democracy provided … Keep reading

Guide to Facebook Pages for Government Organisations

My partner in crime at Learning Pool, Breda Doherty, has written an awesome guide to using Facebook pages. She introduces it below – do have a read and then download the guide! Facebook is now used as an everyday means of communication and information source for most people, well if you agree that over 500Million … Keep reading

Change for the better

It’s pretty obvious that local government, like all areas of public service, is facing a challenging time. Most of Learning Pool’s customers work within Organisational Development, or Learning and Development roles, and when budgets get cut, it’s often training that suffers. However, as I pointed out in a talk at our ‘Hit the North’ event … Keep reading

Saving lots of lolly with Learning Pool

Quickly grabbing some connectivity at a friend’s house, so I thought I would share this post – originally published on the Learning Pool blog – outlining just how much money the public sector has saved by working with us to deliver their training and collaboration online. Enjoy! Two hundred local authorities in England and Wales … Keep reading