Developing a digital organisation

I published a post today on the Department of Health’s Digital Health blog about the work I am doing there building digital capability across the organisation Here’s a quick snippet: To my mind there needs to be a three pronged approach to developing an organisation to help it become truly digitally enabled. Those prongs are: … Keep reading

The Workplace – Q and A site for your career

I recently came across The Workplace – a question and answer site for people who go to work. It’s built on the Stack Exchange platform – which has considerable success in building knowledge communities, particularly around techy topics. I personally find the WordPress one an invaluable resource. In The Workplace, people are asking questions about … Keep reading

Working openly on the web

There was a nice guest post from Doug Belshaw from Mozilla on Brian Kelly’s blog last week. Entitled What Does Working Openly on the Web Mean in Practice?, it told us a bit about Mozilla’s culture of openness and how it ties into web based working. Here’s a quick quote: Working open is not only … Keep reading