LocalGovGlossary now in LGSearch

The Local Government Glossary wiki project is going well, with four volunteers already adding content. As this is an ever growing, and potentially significant resource, I’ve added the wiki to LGSearch.

Announcing LGSearch.Gov.uk

I’ve been playing around a little more with Google Coop, and discovered that you can use wildcards when defining the sites you want to search. The way the standard LGSearch works is that I provide Google with a list of the sites I want it to search. Every single one of them. It’s not fun. … Keep reading

Education LGSearch?

You might wonder why I haven’t put education sites into LGSearch. Well, the reason is that someone else already has done, and I’m not in the business of thunder stealing. The new links page at LGSearch reveals all. At the moment, the links are limited to three, but they are good ones. The first two … Keep reading

LGSearch+ Update

The ‘slicing’ of the RSS feeds is now working, so now only 10 items per feed are displayed. I had only tested the layout in FireFox at the weekend, and having now tested it in IE 5.5 the feeds carry on to the right of the screen, needing a scroll. I don’t know if this … Keep reading