Congratulations to Sarah Hammond!

Well done to Sarah Hammond, the WorkSmart member who has won our draw. Her prize, if you remember, is a copy of Scott Berkun‘s The Myths of Innovation. Sarah works at the British Library and you can find her on Twitter as @schammond. I will be doing my best to pester her for a review of … Keep reading

WIN! ‘The Myth of Innovation’ by Scott Berkun

The Myth of Innovation by Scott Berkun is a great read on the topic of technology and innovation. It’s little Ruth’s favourite bedtime read! From the blurb: This updated paperback edition of the classic bestseller, takes you on a hilarious, fast-paced ride through the history of ideas. You’ll learn to transcend the false stories that … Keep reading

Welcome to WorkSmart!

WorkSmart is a new blog about how we do our jobs. It strikes me that there is a lot going on in terms of building fantastic user interfaces and processes for customers and end users of services – and this is great, of course. But what about the people working behind those services, who are … Keep reading