
after a particularly nasty bout of the winter vomit flu, which has obviously spread from the West Midlands to the Welsh borders. The few things I have read on the web recently have been posted to I’ll try and carry on as normal from today.


Things have been pretty quiet over here recently. I guess I have just been concentrating on other things. First up, I have started to host the Impnet forums – a site for fans of Lincoln City Football Club. This has involved me redesigning the phpBB board and making a few changes to see if it … Keep reading

Lake Vyrnwy Mosaic

Today we visited Lake Vyrnwy. Around the lake are a load of different trails to walk on, one of which leads to an area full of slightly mental wooden sculptures.See the flickr set for them in their proper sizes. Worth an extra mention is this one, of a tiny house on a pole. Don’t ask … Keep reading

2005 in Cities

My list is depressingly parochial, and short: Norwich  Peterborough London Cambridge Chester Amsterdam York Bristol Birmingham And in the rough order than I visited them. Hopefully, others on Palimpsest will have added their’s soon.

Big Day Out 2

Much planning is being done over at Palimpsest for the second Big Day Out, which we have all been looking forward to after the success of last year’s. It seems like a few new Palimpers will be coming along, which will be nice. So far, 11 have signed up, with 2 maybes. Am staying over … Keep reading