Building addictive communities

Rich Millington from Feverbee gave a great talk at the MozCon event on building communities that people actually want to join. Lots in here that I have been discovering myself lately around creating a shared mission, and a sense of being an exclusive bunch. Well worth a watch.

Building my own community

Apologies for the light blogging of late. I’ve just been super busy and – if I am honest – a bit lacking in inspiration. Anyway. I’m starting a new online community based around people like you: folk who read this blog, get my newsletter and take part in my webinars. I’m guessing that we all … Keep reading

Minimum viable community

I was invited by James Cattell the other day to accompany him to a meeting to talk about what the best community software platforms are. I think we rather disappointed the people we talked to, in that neither of us could recommend a particular system. Instead we both advocated, in effect, a minimum viable community. … Keep reading

Loving lurkers

I couldn’t agree more with Mozilla’s Laura Hilliger: We can’t force people to participate, and if we really care about educating people, we shouldn’t try. We should build and design for the people who are participating, and we should be careful to ensure that the lurkers feel welcome. We should create safe spaces of learning … Keep reading