Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

Reporters Without Borders have a handbook downloadable or viewable on their website on blogging aimed at political dissidents and the like, offering advice on staying anonymous along with the usual stuff: Blogs get people excited. Or else they disturb and worry them. Some people distrust them. Others see them as the vanguard of a new … Keep reading


The three of us went for a trip to Ironbridge, near Telford, with my parents a couple of weekends ago, and a fun time was had by all. More photos on my flickr page.

Palimpsest 2.0

My quietness of late is largely down to the massive amount of work I have been putting into Palimpsest, head over there and take a look for yourself. Basically, the old phpBB forum software just wasn’t up to the job. I think that when they get round to releasing version 3 this might chnage, but … Keep reading

Links 16/9/05

Charlene Li: More on Yahoo! Mail Death to Bad Powerpoint GimpShop: The GIMP made up to look like PhotoShop – Mac only at present


We have got a kitten! She is called Purdy. Here she is with her friend Cranky.