101 cool tools: Instapaper

Wow! Number 4 already! At this rate I’ll be through all 101 by 2020… Instapaper is a really neat service for saving content for consumption at a time that suits you. You create an account, and then add a bookmarklet to your browser – when you spot something you’d like to check out later, just … Keep reading

101 cool tools: Doodle

I haven’t done one of these for a while, sorry! Here’s the third in my series of 101 cool social media tools, it’s Doodle! Doodle is a neat little tool for organising when to meet groups of people. Someone starts up a Doodle poll, and lists the dates and times that are possible. They then … Keep reading

101 cool tools: Addictomatic

Second in my series of posts highlighting 101 cool online tools is Addictomatic. It’s a great little service for doing instant online monitoring. Just feed the homepage with a search term, and it will quickly come back to you with a bunch of results across the web – from video sites, blogs, Twitter, photos and … Keep reading

101 cool tools: Paper.li

This is a new regular series of posts where I highlight a cool online service that you may or may not have heard of. Whether I ever make it to 101 is debatable I feel… I’ve also set up a Twitter feed where links to these posts will be automatically pumped. This is the first … Keep reading