Firefox oddness

Am running the recently v2 of FireFox, only this strange thing is happening at the moment, a weird beige strip between the title and the menu bar, using up screen estate and generally being annoying… Tags: firefox


Daveybot provides a great round up of his Firefox set-up. Have pinched a few of those extensions for myself. [tags]firefox, extensions[/tags]

Advanced Firefox

Original: Internet Firefox for power users Wednesday December 08, 2004 (02:00 PM GMT) By: Daniel Rubio The Mozilla Firefox browser has garnered wide attention for its capabilities, compared to its predecessor Mozilla and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. But in addition to its widely covered speed enhancements and robust security, Firefox offers a rich assortment of … Keep reading

Some thoughts on Firefox

Some well thought out points on converting from IE to Firefox – you know you want to do it… Phil Bradley:Firefox