CSS Irritation

The theme I am using on this site at the moment, Fjords01!, is beatiful. But for some reason the CSS makes italics (through the em tag) appear like this. Until I get round to changing the stylesheet, I am having to edit the tags to be a simple ‘i’. It’s annoying. [tags] fjords01! theme[/tags]

Living Without Microsoft…

…has been given a bit of a face lift. Last week, Quentin and I finally bumped into each other in IM-land and between us upgraded to WordPress 2.02, installed a modified K2 theme, installed all the various plug-ins that make WordPress so much fun, and also installed a punBB forum and integrated it into the … Keep reading

Government sites fail web tests

According to the BBC: More than half of government and council websites contain errors and cause problems for disabled people, research shows. Some 60% of UK government websites contain HTML errors, according to a study by the University of Southampton. A similar proportion do not comply with guidelines created to improve web access, it found. … Keep reading

CSS Layout Tutorial for beginners

A tutorial that goes step by step through the process of implementing a real-world web design into a working template using CSS for layout. read more | digg story Seems a nice little tutorial for CSS beginners.