Need a Web 2.0 Name?

The Web 2.0 Company Name Generator is a cool and amusing little site. As the site says: Need a name for your Web 2.0 company? Try this handy name generator. Here’s some that I got: ZoomworksBuzzfishFlashdogThoughttuneQuambeeFlashcatNpathSkambaChatterpulseQuimia That last one is just filthy.Anyhow, once you have your name, don’t forget to head over to ImageTool.NET to … Keep reading

Second Life Opens Up

Popular online world, Second Life, is entering into the world of open source, by releasing the code to the client application that allows users to access it. Says the Second Life blog, in a post entitled ‘Embracing the Inevitable’: At Linden, we have always been strong advocates of the use of open standards and the … Keep reading