Brief notes on why I am cautious on AI/LLMs

I was asked the other day for my quick view on the current buzz around AI and large language models, machine learning etc. Pasting here for posterity! I think my slightly cautious view on LLMs etc is based on two things: First, it’s being latched onto by people as a way of leap-frogging over doing … Keep reading

5 simple rules for organisational leaders to keep in mind about technology

Commenting on James Herbert’s sensible post about approaching AI in local government, I came up with 5 statements of the bleedin’ obvious that all senior people ought to have in their minds whenever technology is being discussed. If something sounds like a silver bullet, it probably isn’t one You can’t build new things on shaky, … Keep reading

Markup rules

I like to use plain text when I can. Plain text is just text without any formatting, which you edit with an app called a text editor, like Notepad on Windows or TextWrangler on a Mac. It’s pretty much a universal format – it can be opened and edited on pretty much any system or … Keep reading