Rehosting podcasts

Last year I recorded a bunch of podcasts that people seemed to enjoy. They were hosted on a service that needed paying for, and when I stopped paying, they dropped off the internet! Oh no! So, have rehosted them on Soundcloud, which is free. I’ll go back over the original posts and update them when … Keep reading

RBDB – a new podcast

I’ve started up a new – hopefully weekly – podcast with my friend Robert. If you like long, rambling conversations about not an awful lot, you’re going to love this. Listen to the first episode here: You can subscribe in your favourite podcatching app using the RSS feed:

Episode 6 – Esko Reinikainen

The podcast is back, BACK, BAAAAAAAAAAACK! I’m joined in this episode by Esko Reinikainen, of the Satori Lab. // Here’s a link to download the original mp3 file if you would like to do that. If you would like to subscribe to the podcast in your favourite podcasting app, the feed is or you can … Keep reading

Podcast episode 5 – Anne McCrossan

Here’s my fifth podcast. This is becoming a thing! I’m joined in this episode by Anne McCrossan, who runs Visceral Business. Anne’s thing is getting organisations perform as genuinely social businesses. Here’s a link to download the original mp3 file if you would like to do that. If you would like to subscribe to … Keep reading

Podcast episode 4 – Andy Mabbett

Here’s the fourth episode of the podcast, where I chat with Andy Mabbett, twitcher birder extraordinaire and Wikipedian par excellence. He’s also done a bit of web work in local government. Here’s a link to download the original mp3 file if you would like to do that. If you would like to subscribe to the podcast … Keep reading