Setting up my new Mac

So, I got an unexpected refund from the Student Loan Company (bonus!) recently and spent it on one of the new MacBook Airs. It’s a beautiful machine. Apple seem to have fixed the keyboard issues they were having a little while ago, it’s lightning quick, and the screen is gorgeous. I’ve not had a Mac … Keep reading

The soul of a new iPhone

So I got my new iPhone 6 on Friday – don’t judge me, I was due an upgrade anyway – and have been using it all weekend. Here are some early thoughts. 1. The size – it’s a bit too big. I didn’t go for the ludicrously sized plus model, but even so. This thing … Keep reading

Steve Jobs in 1983

Fasincating listening. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

My current favourite toy

Just before Christmas, and as a bit of a Christmas treat for myself, I bought an iPad mini with retina display and 3g mobile broadband access (ie not the wifi only model). I love it. Up til now my tablet of choice was a second generation Nexus 7, produced by Asus but sanctioned by Google … Keep reading

Three excellent vintage Woz videos

Not much I can add to these. Well worth a watch. If you can’t see them, in the titles I have linked to the original YouTube pages. Steve Wozniak’s Pledge of Apple Allegiance – “One Notion Under Jobs” Steve Wozniak Describes Creation of the Apple II Steve Wozniak says Steve Jobs Formed Apple Knowing They’d … Keep reading