The Innocents

Just finished watching The Innocents, the 1961 film based on Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw. Here‘s the IMDB link to find out more, or there’s always Wikipedia. It really is one of the scariest things I think I have ever seen. There’s a great thread on Palimpsest discussing the movie.

Screen Select

I recently joined Screen Select, an online DVD rental store. I had previously been a member of Amazon’s effort, but I cancelled as I was bereft of a DVD player for a few months. I pay £12.99 a month for an unlimited number of DVDs, and I can have 2 at home at any one … Keep reading

Watching and Reading

Watched Shaun of the Dead last night, an Amazon Rental DVD. The only one of the three that arrived on Friday without a crack in it. Still, it was an excellent, funny film and I recommend it. I emailed Amazon on Friday night about the bust DVDs, and got an email back saying replacements were … Keep reading

Amazon DVD Rental

I joined the new (to the UK) Amazon DVD rental scheme this week. Here’s how it works: Amazon take £10 a month from my debit card each month. In exchange, they send me 6 DVDs a month, I can have 3 at home at any one time. I also set up a rental list of … Keep reading