Scrutiny Best Practice Guide outline

Have been putting some more thought into my idea for a Scrutiny Best Practice booklet. Here’s a draft outline plan: Introduction Preparation, Participation, Partnership A Note on Structures Part One: Preparation Objectives and Outcomes Research Agendas and Reports The Meeting Post Meeting Part Two: Participation Scrutiny and Overview Members Backbench Members The Executive The Public … Keep reading

Scrutiny Handbook

I have finally finished work on the Scrutiny Handbook. I got my final draft copy back today from the Head of Department, and once I have amended things in line with his comments, we will be ready to go to print. It is 53 A5 pages long, and explains the Scrutiny process both specific to … Keep reading

A Website for NSN?

On my Wikiblog, I posted thoughts on a possible website for the Norfolk Scrutiny Network. I’ve put together an email to the two people that run the Network: Karen, Mike Without wishing to go over old ground, I have been giving a bit of thought to the website idea for the Network which I mentioned … Keep reading

Norfolk Scrutiny Conference

The report I wrote about the Norfolk Scrutiny Conference last week can be found on the Centre for Public Scrutiny website here. Next stop for it will be the Local Government Chronicle and the Scrutiny Champions’ Bullettin. How exciting!