A Few Changes

I have made a few changes to the blog layout, all on the strip down the right hand side.

Most noticable is the list of recent links from the Link Blog, which is created using FeedRoll. Not entirely happy with the presentation at the moment, but it might be useful for casual readers to see what I’ve been linking to.

Also, I have added a new subscribe button for users of My Yahoo! Not entirely sure if this works properly as my experiences with My Yahoo! have never been terribly positive.

The other day I added a link to an image of the cover of the book I am currently reading. This links to an Amazon associate account for Palimpsest, the book discussion community I help run, for which any financial help is much appreciated. This will obviously be updated as I get to read more books…

Lastly, links have been added to BritBlog, which is a directory of British bloggers; and also Technorati.