Email as database?

BBC has an article along similar lines to those I mentioned here. “If a friend is excited about a concert and that gives me an idea for a birthday gift, I will store the info on e-mail,” says Georges Harik, the man in charge of search-engine Google’s Gmail service. Stuart Anderson, Microsoft’s Hotmail business manager … Keep reading

Big interview with Frank Rijkaard

From the Guardian today: “I try to stay in the moment,” Frank Rijkaard says quietly as he studies the thick cloud of smoke hanging over his head. “Whether the moment is one of joy or difficulty or just sitting here right now, in my office, talking to you, I always think it’s best to stay … Keep reading

Kazuo Ishiguro

The Guardian profile Kazuo Ishiguro today. Kazuo Ishiguro’s early career set a modern benchmark for precocious literary success. Born in 1954, in 1982 he won the Winifred Holtby award for the best expression of a sense of place, for his debut novel A Pale View of Hills . In 1983, he was included in the … Keep reading

Next read

After The Wasp Factory, which shouldn’t last much longer than this evening, I am going to have a crack at this: Some good Palimthoughts from the ever reliable Self here.

Sex hungry roaches lured to death

No comment required. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Sex hungry roaches lured to death Synthetic sex pheromones are being developed as an ingenious way of luring randy cockroaches to their deaths.